a moth image

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region.

Export help and resources

We have the business advice and support you need.

The ACT Government actively supports business in the Canberra region. Here in Canberra, you’ll find programs and resources to help your business grow in international markets. There’s also no commercial land tax to pay and no insurance duty – a first for Australia and only in Canberra.  

Canberra businesses are creating global solutions


Austrade helps businesses reduce the time, cost and risk of exporting. It offers tailored services to established businesses looking to expand into new markets.

For your business, Austrade can:

  • research a market or country
  • identify potential partners and customers
  • make appointments for you during a market visit
  • arrange market promotions
  • follow up initial introductions to see if there’s real potential
  • work out what your next steps should be.

Austrade’s TradeStart program

The ACT Government partners with Austrade to give exporters access to the resources of Austrade’s global network.

ACT TradeStart advisers can give you personalised help, including:

  • advice on the market you’re targeting
  • talking to local industry players
  • reviewing the potential of your business products and services.

The TradeStart service is available to export-ready businesses. Through the service, Austrade can help connect you with overseas networks.

Canberra has a dedicated TradeStart adviser. There is also a specialist Business Development Manager on the ground in Singapore.

Learn more about Austrade’s trade programs and services.

Canberra Business Chamber

The ACT Government partners with the Canberra Business Chamber (CBC) on trade missions and to bring in trade delegations. These are usually from a specific region and focused on an industry sector.

The Export Council of Australia

The Export Council of Australia (ECA) can help your company get involved in international business. It helps new and experienced exporters to:

  • develop international business skills
  • conduct international market research
  • break down barriers to trade
  • build global networks

For more detail, visit the ECA website.

Southern Region Business Enterprise Centre

The Southern Region Business Enterprise Centre (SRBEC) helps businesses become more sustainable. It creates employment opportunities and helps young people with  careers and education.

For more details, visit the SRBEC website.

Regional Development Australia

Regional Development Australia (RDA) can help your company build its export capability, especially in the food and agriculture sector.

For more details, visit the RDA website.

NSW Government export support

If your business is in the ACT region but over the border in NSW, you can access programs and support via the NSW Government.

For more details, visit the NSW Government Export Assistance website.

Events and networking for exporters

Canberra holds a range of events for exporters.  Find the information and support you need to get export ready.

ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards

The export awards acknowledge the innovation, hard work and success of Canberra’s exporters. Winners can compete at the Australian Export Awards.

Learn more about the ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards.

International Business Plan Competition

This competition gives you the chance to:

  • work with ANU students to develop their international business plan and strategy
  • take on interns from the program.

For more details, visit the ANU website.

Trade missions

The ACT Government is helping to connect ACT businesses and overseas markets through:

Our export focus

We’re a globally-recognised city and a thriving place to live, work and do business.

Canberra has a diverse range of sectors with export potential including:

Expanding into new markets

The ACT Government is always seeking new opportunities in international markets.

Current key markets:

  • Singapore
  • China
  • USA
  • New Zealand
  • Japan
  • South Korea

International Engagement Strategy

The International Engagement Strategy outlines the ACT Government’s plans to create long-lasting international relationships for the ACT’s economic, cultural and social benefit.

Published date: 09 Aug 2024
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Partnership opportunities

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Trade Missions

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Interested in doing business in Canberra?

Contact the business team for information and advice.